Hex Binary Converter
Binary, octal, decimal and hex converter
File Rename Batch
File, folder rename batch
File Info
Get file info of create, modify and access time, icon, md5, sha2, sha3
QR Code Converter
QR code converter for text
Text Regex Tool
Text regex match, replace tool, text occurrences count
Text Hash Tool
Get text info of md5, sha1, sha2, sha3
Unix Timestamp Converter
Unix timestamp, date converter
Standard Time Sync
Sync standard time from internet
ASCII codes table and description
Base64 Converter
Convert text and image with Base64
Icon Converter
Convert image to icon format
IP Address Info
Get local IP, network IP, IP location
Collection of Symbols, such as heart, stars, circle, currency, maths symbols.
Remove Text Duplication
Remove the duplicated content of text
Toggle Text Case
Toggle text case with uppercase and lowercase
Unicode Converter
Encode or decode text with Unicode, NCR or URI
IP Converter
Convert between IP address with IP Number
Chinese Wubi Code
Query Wubi code (86) for chinese
Text Length
Get text length, and text lines
Keyboard Test
Keyboard press and release test, check key code and event interval
Sticky Launcher
Quick to launch apps or files in sticky window or float widget
JS Runner
Edit and run javascript source
Quick Search
Quick to launch apps or files, search apps and favorite items
JS Search Command Develop
Develop and test for javascript search command
Clipboard History
Quick to paste text or image, search content form clipboard
Snipping Tool
Quick to capture screen or pick color
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